Join us at Gallery222 for a fabulous workshop with Jan Wier. Jan will begin the session with a demo. She will demonstrate how to build paintings with luminous color starting with transparent colors, and building towards opaques. Students will then be working from still life set ups arranged through out Gallery222 . You will be working in oils, alla prima style; wet on wet to create your own paintings..
Take a break during the workshop with a delicious catered lunch.
This class is for artists who have some experience painting with oils.
Materials List
Easel – Bring your own portable easel, and anything else you require to paint for the day.
Supports – Canvas – stretched or panels, or gessoed hardboard
Odorless Turpenoid or Gamsol – Think half a mayo jar full. Colors can’t stay clean if brushes aren’t clean!
Linseed or walnut oil – small container
Paper Towels – Viva
Brushes – Variety of synthetic and bristle, and a variety of sizes and shapes
Oil Colors
Basic - Burnt Sienna or Transparent Oxide Red, Ultramarine Blue, Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Red Light, Cadmium Yellow Light & Titanium White
Optional – (Jan’s Favorites) Quinacridone Red – Winsor Newton,
Tansparent Orange – Gamblin, Transparent Yellow Green – Rembrandt, Viridian – Rembrandt, Indian Yellow – Winsor Newton, Cerulean Blue – Winsor Newton, Flake White Replacement , Zinc White
Cost: $145 (catered lunch is included)